Monday 10 February 2014

The importance of bilingualism

There are many good reasons for raising children bilingually. Some advantages include family reasons, but children who are fluent in two languages can benefit from cognitive as well as personal advantages later in life. I introduce you to Caroline Erdos, a Speech-Language Pathologist at The Montreal Children´s Hospital on the do´s and don´ts of learning two languages from birth.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

The clues to a great story

Andrew Stanton has won two Oscars and is the writer behind Toy Story. His TED talk, Clues to a great story, details seven important topics for every storyteller.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Storytelling tools

STORYTELLING 2010 from mtejederas1

This is a very interesting presentation from Slideshare about storytelling tools. I think that will serve to instruct them in the art of storytelling.